


Each simulation takes a set of parameters, but until this point we've been relying on the defaults.

You may have noticed that the user names remain consistent across simulation runs. This is because rngo uses a seeded random number generator to produce deterministic results. The default seed is 1, but you can change that via a CLI argument:

rngo sim --seed 2

If you look in the database again, you'll see that the user names are now different.

You can also change the default parameters in the config by specifying a scenario with the name default. Let's make 2 the default seed:

    seed: 2
    start: daysAgo(10)

We also changed the simulation start time to 10 days before it is run, instead of the default 30 days. The end parameter is the time the simulation is run by default - we left that as is.

Run rngo sim. The new user data will have the same seed 2 names, but will have created_at values that only go back 10 days instead of 30.

Config Inference