
Getting Started

Postgres Quick Start

Add rngo to a Postgres-backed application and simulate data in less than five minutes.


Install the rngo CLI via npm:

> npm install -g rngo

And then authenticate:

> rngo auth

This initiates a device authentication flow by copying a code to your clipboard, opening the rngo web app and prompting you to paste that code.

If you haven't already, you'll first need to sign in or sign up for an account. See the rngo auth reference for more details.

Initialize Project

Initialize your project by running:

> rngo init

This just adds a config file at .rngo/config.yml. Edit that file so that the systems object looks something like this:

    type: postgres
        value: localhost
        value: user
        value: secret
        value: mydb

A system is any software that maintains state that rngo should simulate - in this case, Postgres. rngo can connect to a system to infer its config and later load the simulated data.

Specifying system parameters in the config is convenient for now, but you'll ultimately want to use environment variables. See the Systems reference for more.

Infer Streams

A stream represents a single logical data set - it corresponds, for example, to a table in a relational database. Like database tables, streams can define relationships amongst eachother, which rngo will respect when simulating data.

You should infer baseline stream configs from the db system by running:

> rngo infer

This command inpects the db Postgres database and sets the streams key in the config. Check out rngo infer reference for more.

Run Simulation

Now you can run the simulation:

> rngo sim

This uploads the config to the server, where the simulation is run. Then it downloads the data and loads it into the db Postgres database.


Start up your application - in all likelihood, you'll find that some of the simulated data is not realistic.

If so, iterate on your streams config - see the Streams reference to get started.